
We are continually looking for ways to streamline processes to make it easier for you submit your work to shows and to reduce the admin workload so that we can keep the membership fees reasonable.

Last year we implemented to help us manage gallery sitting shifts for the shows. This seems to have gone very well, giving all the artists the opportunity to select shifts that work with their own schedules.

Beginning in January we will begin using Jotform to accept and manage submissions to our art shows. Managing submissions can be challenging at times due to the many various ways artists send in their work and information. Jotform is a user-friendly online form-based submission app that will allow Headwaters Arts to collect all the necessary bits and pieces, including your images, all in one place. It will deposit your images into a folder that can easily be accessed by the gallery committee for jurying, by the marketing folks for all the hard work they do promoting your work and all of the necessary info will go into a spreadsheet for our gallery administrator’s many tasks  in getting a show ready to open.

The instructions for using Jorform are available in the newly updating Submission Guidelines for 2022. We suggest you familiarize yourself with them by reading them carefully prior to attempting to submit. Do not start at 11:55 pm on the deadline date!

Some tips to make it easy:

  • Have all your information about your pieces at hand: Titles, mediums, sizes, prices
  • Have your images ready to upload: images properly cropped, files correctly named, files resized if necessary (less than 1.5 MB each)
  • complete your submission on the device where your images are stored, otherwise you will not be able to upload them during the submission process and the submission will be incomplete.

Have a look at the revised guidelines here: How to Submit 2022

If you have trouble to can always call the gallery on Wednesday or Thursday or send an email to Another reason not to leave it until the last minute!