Thank you

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On behalf of the Board of Headwaters Arts, we wish to thank you for renewing your membership with the organization and we look forward to working with you in 2015. The Board and our volunteers work hard on your behalf to promote the development, appreciation and enjoyment of all arts in the Headwaters region. If you have suggestions on how we can better meet your needs or improve the development of art in the region, we welcome your ideas.

There are many benefits of being a member of Headwaters Arts. For example, you can display your art in the Gallery in Alton Mill. It is your Gallery so please take advantage of this perfect venue to feature your work. We would also welcome your participation in the activities of Headwaters Arts such as event planning, sponsorship activities, Gallery sitting and marketing. If you can volunteer a few hours from time to time, please let us know.

Bridget Wilson
